Monday, July 20, 2015

Born in the USA

On July 20, the Burnt Orange published Texas is Illegally Denying Birth Certificates to Citizens with Immigrant Parents.  This article highlights a problem with illegal immigrants coming to the US and giving birth to their children, which automatically makes the children legal US citizens.  It is the belief that many of these parent immigrants are doing this with the strategic intention of gaining legal documentation.  The legal citizen child can help their illegal parents gain documentation through Immediate Relative Immigrant Visas.  However, the process apparently cannot begin until the child turns twenty-one.

The illegal immigrant parents are applying for a copy of their child's birth certificate and are being denied due to their identification being a Mexican-issued ID or foreign passport without a current visa.
  The Hidalgo and and Cameron County Texas Department of State Health Services offices, which issues certified copies of birth certificates, have refused to issue these birth certificates.  Without the birth certificate, these legal US citizens will not have access to basic services, such as a public school. 

Although I agree that it is necessary for us to protect our citizens, I can see why someone would want to discourage illegal immigrants giving birth to their children here simply as a way to circumvent the system.  However, since the law as it is currently written says that any person born in the USA is considered a citizen, these children cannot be overlooked due to their circumstances.  Based on the definition of discrimination, these children are being treated unfairly.  If these counties really believe that this law should be changed, they should work to change the law - not just how they do business.  Disregarding that law makes them the illegal ones.

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